This story was submitted by a member of the Spiritual Changemakers Community.

Imagine, a world where every baby that is born is valued for the soul (life force & energy) they bring. In this world every baby is nourished and nurtured to their full potential.

Imagine, that from that starting point we build systems to fulfil that potential because we know that potential will contribute to the greater good of all sentient beings and thriving of all life.

We can not build systems with the economy, politics, etc. at its core. We keep building the same systems as the blueprint has not changed.
We can only build new systems from a new blueprint with at its core humanity.

What does it mean to be human? 
What separates us from other life forms and makes us human?
Humans have thoughts and emotions, of which the most powerful emotion is compassion.

How can we develop compassion?
We need first to be aware of our different emotions and behaviours/reactions.

How can we develop awareness of our emotions and behaviours/reactions?
We need to stop, reflect and recognize our emotions and behaviours/reactions.
Training ourselves in this process separates us from identifying with the emotions and behaviours/reactions.

In that separation, space - openness is created. Openness for other things to come in. Things like consciousness and compassion.
With consciousness and compassion we can act with wisdom, making decisions for the greater good of all.

I was born in Suriname in South America from Chinese parents. We moved to the Netherlands when I was 8.
I studied Modern Japan Studies, Account Management and Chinese Languages and Cultures. I spend one year studying in Taipei and Tokyo.
I worked in banking, government, multinational and small companies in many different jobs. I couldn't understand why leaders were not looking at the talents of people, only focusing on results. Most of the environments I was in were not places where people thrived. People seem to find this normal. I didn't find a work place where I felt I could bring the best of myself. Climbing up the career ladder meant sacrificing being someone I didn't like being. That was not worth it.
In 2014, I stumbled on an American life coach, Martha Beck. I had no intention to be a life coach. I thought maybe I can learn something for myself? I enrolled in the Life Coach training. It turned out to be one of the best things I've learned in my life.
During this time I took time to try yoga. At the end of my first yoga class, the instructor chimed these bells. I felt the vibration of the sound going through my body. I had never experienced that before. Normally you hear sound? As I was biking home I started smiling out of nothing. I didn't see or think anything funny.

This was the start of my journey on energy.

I searched for teachers who understood energy.

Through yoga I experienced the embodiment of compassion.

Eden Energy Medicine taught me about the body's energies.

Shamanism deepened my relationship with the natural world and the cosmos.

BioGeometry gave me hope for humanity how to work with harmonizing energy.

Tibetan Medicine taught me the interdependence and interconnectivity of the cosmic web of life.

Daoism taught me the relationship between human, earth and heaven.

These ancient wisdom traditions gave me new ways to look at the world with compassion.

Unlocking the key for humanity, compassion.

Weaving Ancient Wisdoms and Modern Life & Technology to create a future for our descendants and all life on earth.
This is about mankind, the future o our children, our greatest treasure.