This story was submitted by a member of the Spiritual Changemakers Community.

As a young changemaker I have always felt the desire to have a better world,_ to visualize my community, my city so divided, I thought that we can no longer think individually.

3 years ago I began to visualize how young people had different limitations, when it came to expressing an opinion in our families, when saying our feelings, our fears, the educational risk, the the lack of first job opportunities, the limited access to training in day-to-day skills, in How can we work as a team in a society? 

I feel that my first great discovery was knowing that I was capable of working to change my reality, the reality of younger people, knowing that in the pandemic many young people were afraid of Not continuing studying, not finding a job, and I knew I could do something, I worked to connect young people with training to improve their soft skills, so they could learn new ways of learning, I met new people who led me to reflect on the role of young people in the improvements we want to make for the world. How can young people change the world in a positive way? I was able to see young people who inspired me to continue with my business, I learned about new ways to connect the professional future of young people with the skills they already had, I promoted vocational guidance as a means to be changemakers, and connect with more people who had the same vision of impact as us, we promote environmental education, teamwork, new leadership to motivate our future and we look for ways to make fun the choice of professional career. I feel happy to see the students who have experienced our impact, we have seen different cases but there is also our philosophy of teamwork that is based on mental health, on trust, on doing what we like the most to always be happy, we set time limits, and we also had fun making presentations, ideas, we even put in one of our goals to get so far with our venture that we would invite   Adele and Lady Gaga to be in an interview to tell their experience choosing their own university major.

I love that my spirit is still standing, I have had moments where I had doubts, but I love connecting with more entrepreneurs who help us, who tell us about their experience, who offer us support and that makes me feel that I am on the right path, there is still a long way to go but I feel that every day we advance in small steps to reach our great goal.

We are young, when we started we were in the first year of university, now that I have graduated and I see the results of my experience and perseverance it inspires me more every day.

We love learning, taking on new challenges and learning from the things we experience, we know they have great stories and we would love to read them, and get in touch to exchange ideas and advice.

We believe that each but with their abilities can find their best version and find the social problem they want to solve.