ALIVE! - Creating Systems of Generosity (Episode 02)
We are joined by Nipun Mehta and Aaron Kuecker to talk about mutuality, gift economy, how to build networks that amplify resources, and so much more.
Nipun Mehta is a designer of large-scale social movements that are rooted in small acts of service and powered by micro moments of inner transformation.
Among many other initiatives, he is the founder of ServiceSpace, an incubator of projects that operates at the intersection of volunteerism, technology, and gift-economy, which has now grown into a global ecosystem of over 1.5 million members and has delivered millions of dollars in service for free. He has been honored as “unsung hero of compassion” by the Dalai Lama and was appointed by U.S. President Obama to a council for addressing poverty and inequality in the United States.
Aaron Kuecker works with institutions and leaders to envision and embody radical generosity inspired by the Christian tradition. As President of Trinity Christian College, he is leading an example of gift-economy and mutuality in the context of higher education, enabling a range of innovative structures and relationships to foreground students’ well-being. His work with the Mapping Generosity Project is helping leaders see, surface, and name the gifts in their wider ecosystems to embrace new leadership practices that center on connection, mutuality, and joy.
The Spiritual Changemakers Initiative was born from Ashoka’s emerging collaboration with changemakers whose spirituality or faith sustains their life, joy, and work to build a better world. We are a platform for diverse leaders who are doing something about the challenges facing our societies, and we offer spaces for collaboration and exchange for building a more equitable and generous world. The Spiritual Changemakers Initiative does not represent any faith or spiritual position. Instead, we generate meaning from co-creating with changemakers.