Always searching for my fulfillment and alignment with a greater good, I found the path to a new life in spirituality. Nine years ago, on a morning in March, I went for a run by the sea, and at the end, I entered a garden. I sat down to rest next to a tree, closed my eyes, and asked my guardian angels: "What did I come to do in the world?" a very clear thought emerged: "Contribute so that children grow up with values." This epiphany really took hold of me! Listening and taking seriously what the soul wanted to express was the seed from which today's project was born! I started looking for a name for this mission, and the following day, I woke up in the middle of a dream, which was named Semear Valores (which means Sowing Values)! Currently, Semear Valores is a cooperative founded by two friends whose mission is to help parents and professionals educate happier children, help them grow up with values, live their potential, and enjoy life.

After this inspiration, I returned to college for a post-graduate course in positive psychology. I found the perfect model to base the mission of educating on values: the model of Virtues and Strengths of Character by Peterson and Seligman (2004). After a lot of work, learning, support obtained, and a good dose of hope, courage, and creativity, Semear Valores exists in the world and has already touched many children and adults through training, projects in schools, and pedagogical resources that we have created to bring values to children in an engaging way. One of the most successful products is the children's story I wrote: "Yuki, the Robot with a Heart. The Superpowers of Friendship." With Yuki, I've already met more than 2,000 children to whom I've taken this inspiring, captivating, and educational story!

Yuki awakens children to the importance of values ​​such as empathy, kindness, forgiveness, and humor, among others. This story has been a gift that allows me to be a changemaker, as I feel it has been entrusted to me by a greater force to work for good on Earth. Whenever I tell it to a group of children, I feel that I am fulfilling myself and that a good seed is planted in their hearts!

The name I give to Yuki reading meetings, which take place in schools, is Yuki in Caravan! I have a large cardboard caravan I take to schools when I read the story and a large Yuki that the kids love taking pictures with! One of my dreams is to get a real caravan to travel the country and bring Yuki's story to many more children. Many schools do not have the financial capacity to pay the travel costs and, therefore, do not have the opportunity to host this reading and friendship meeting.

Semear Valores is today a dream come true and, despite having started with a very personal moment of inspiration and connection, it is the result of teamwork of three: Patricia and Kalpna are the other two pillars of this happy triangle!